Save $100s monthly on Expo EAS build costs! Generate custom GitHub Actions workflows for your React Native and Expo projects.
Skip the $15-100/month EAS build plans by using GitHub Actions to build your apps
Automated testing, building, and deployment all in one workflow
Generate development builds, production APKs and AABs easily
Copy this YAML file to .github/workflows/react-native-cicd.yml
in your repository:
Add these secrets to your GitHub repository settings:
Need help with configuration? Check our detailed documentation for setup guides and best practices.
Common configuration files for React Native & Expo projects that work well with this CI/CD setup:
module.exports = function(api) {
return {
presets: ['babel-preset-expo'],
plugins: [
// React Native reanimated plugin (if you use reanimated)
// Optional - Plugin transform for optimization
root: ['./src'],
extensions: ['.ios.js', '.android.js', '.js', '.ts', '.tsx', '.json'],
alias: {
'@components': './src/components',
'@screens': './src/screens',
'@utils': './src/utils',
'@hooks': './src/hooks',
'@assets': './assets',
// Optional - For using decorators
['@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators', { legacy: true }],
Note: You might need to install additional dependencies depending on your configuration. See the sample repository for a complete working example.
Generate a custom workflow file and add it to your GitHub repository
GitHub Actions runs your builds using Expo's EAS CLI locally on the runner
Builds are automatically uploaded to your selected storage destination
Our comprehensive documentation covers everything from basic setup to advanced customization.
Read the Documentation